Saturday, February 02, 2008

Our Biggest SL Snow

Yes, yet another picture of the pond-out-back, but I share this picture to show one of the big reasons we got this house in the first place. These are three of a five window block that make up the back wall of our living room. It's so nice to not look at another house when we look out our back windows. I raised the blinds to show how nice our view always is - except in the afternoon when we have to keep it closed because of the direct sunlight. This is the pond covered in ice and topped off with the snow we got Thursday night.
This is yesterday morning, before I started shoveling snow. Our street was empty with no movement at all. They said there was eight and a half inches at the airport - 20 minutes south of us, but we had at least ten or eleven inches on our driveway.

You can see how deep it is, but what's amazing is that I shoveled it off Thursday evening just before dark when there was already about three inches on the driveway. Notice how intently I'm staring at the snow. I'm thinking "How much does it cost to buy a snow blower?" It was a beautiful snow and with the temps going up today and more tomorrow, it won't be around very long. I love snow, but I especially love it when it hits and doesn't stay very long.


Anonymous said...

Curt and I are so jealous! We want snow, but it was 59 degrees and sunny here in Nashville today. Curt said he would have the Disney DVD done soon. We love you both.

holly said...

Meanwhile...NYC has not had a single day of recordable snow in '08!!! My snow boots feel neglected.

Anonymous said...

Don & I are jealous too.........along with Curt & Inez. It will be 70 degrees or higher here tomorrow and stormy. We want some SNOW TOO!! Stay warm!
We love you both.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful snow! Not so much here in WV though. But OH, THE RAIN! Kevin will have to share his "flame-thrower" with you. Yes, I said "flame-thrower". It melts snow, ice, turns unwanted driveway weeds into unwanted black charred...uh, weeds! Such fun.