Friday, February 15, 2008

So here it is. The logo for our 2008 musical Jonah and the Pirates of the Mediterranean. The music has been picked out since back in late Summer and I finished the script in December. The casting list is posted in front of the church office and our first rehearsal starts the first Wednesday in March. I am really excited about doing this play. It's going to be so much fun. Yes, I took a few liberties with the story as I set up the reason why Jonah was so anti-Nineveh and yes, the ship to Tarshish probably wasn't a pirate ship - but it could have been! The music is going to be incredible. The usual mixture of Rock and Roll, Broadway hits, and praise songs will keep everyone entertained and inspired. If there is any chance that you might be in the St. Louis area the first week of June, please come and see it. I wish I could invite all to stay with us, but I'm hoping to have a house full of family. But mark June 5,6,7, and 8. We will do four performances that will all be the same. I am considering declaring Thursday night "Church Night" as a good night for area congregations to attend. I have purposely not invited sister congregations because our emphasis is on our community, but we have been having more and more "brethren" attend on Sunday night (good alternative to the usual PM requirement) and it has been our most crowded night. So maybe if we offer Thursday night (our smallest crowd night), it will give more space for Sunday. It'll work - one way or another. Just wanted to give you a heads up. Florissant won't even see this logo until Sunday morning - unless they read my blog. Wait until you see the choices of boats that Jonah had to choose from before he picked the one he did.


karen b said...

the altamesa version of jonah (with jonathan as jonah) is one of my favorites. may god bless your production!

Deborah said...

I love the logo. Am I right that the whale picture is similar to the one we had in Fairfax? For some reason, it is looking familiar to me.

Can't wait to see this one!

Elizabeth said...

Yea for the logo!! I'm looking forward to my t-shirt....well, and the play, too!

Anonymous said...

Good memory Deborah. This is a combination of the old 1986 logo and a drawing by one of our cast members. The whale is different and we added the pirate hat and title. We have our first read through this Sunday. Dad