Thursday, February 07, 2008

Being Real And Hairy

I decided about five weeks ago that letting my beard grow out would be a good daily reminder for me to "Be Real." After all, every morning I look at my white whiskers and have to say "It's the real me." I'm old enough that my beard is white - not even the gray it was the last time I did this about seven years ago. I've enjoyed using it as my own personal-can't-avoid-it-in-your-face reminder. I don't want to get distracted from my journey to honestly examine how passionate I am about being as much like Jesus as I possibly can. If I'm going to preach it - expect it from my church family - then I have to be real myself. That having been said, nothing a preacher does that is seen by everyone is personal or private. Every member has a comment, an opinion, and usually a joke to share about the addition to my face. So from that standpoint, it may not be the best personal reminder I could have chosen, but hey, that's what razors are for. Still, I plan to let it grow for awhile. I told some minister buddies at the preacher's meeting this morning that I was into the Moses look. Of course, from my loving brethren, I've heard comments about everything from Willie Nelson to Sean Connery. One teen did call me Santa, one brother called me Foster Brooks (that'll date ya if you know who he is), and fortunately no one has called me Kenny Rogers. Twenty years ago that might have flattered me, but today I might have to slug whoever says it. Personally, every time I catch a surprising look in a mirror I feel like I should be doing a TV commercial from a boat in Maine selling fish sticks. I really like our older folks. My beard is so light and white that many of them can't see it from their church seat. When I give them a big hug they say, "When did you grow that?" Oops, I just remember that I say the same thing when I look in the mirror on my first trip to the bathroom every morning.
Change is fun. I'm going to enjoy it for a little while longer. Maybe some Just For Men...


Deborah said...

I love your beard--it is very distinguished looking (I promise that was not my nice way to say you look old, because you don't!).

I cracked up laughing about the Gorton's Fisherman comment!

Elizabeth said...

I was totally look like the Gordon's fisherman!! That's great! I'm glad you are doing this. I love that you have a visual reminder of where you want your heart's focus to be. Since I can't grow a beard, I'll have to think of something else. And, just for the record, I like it white. And, what does mom have to say about this hairy face?!