Monday, March 10, 2008

Troubled Teens?

One of the saddest things to see in life is a young person who feels alone, rejected, or just isolated and misunderstood. Wait a second! Doesn't every child feel that at some point or points in their life? Of course they do - it's part of life - especially in those teen years. Why do some get over it like it was a brief virus while others seem to get trapped in it, overwhelmed by it, even to the point of being suicidal? I'm not a psychiatrist. I'm not even sure I can spell it right. I do know that the best way to overcome self-focus is to help others, give to others, and break the cycle of self-pity. As we teach our little children to have good manners, brush their teeth, and put a coin in the collection plate when it comes around - we need to teach them the joy of giving and helping others. Of course, if they don't see it in us they won't pay much attention to us. In a self-centered world with so much comfort, materialism, and unrestricted accumulation, if we don't learn to sacrifice and share we will be doomed to selfish misery and the pain of seeing our children fall into the same trap. "Trust Jesus" is not a motto or cliche' but the best parenting advice you'll ever get. He said, "It's more blessed to give then it is to receive." It's not just a nice truth but a fact of life. Don't you want your children to be blessed? It won't happen if we keep making sure that all they do is receive. You could be saving their life - not to mention their soul.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are up early! Anyway, ironic that you would have written about this today. Mike and I were talking about the very same thing yesterday evening. How one minute our kids do not seem very mature socially, then the next they are participating in TABS and mission trips. Thanks for keeping it "real" Mike, I appreciate you. Valerie