Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Teachers and Pictures

Sunday morning we took a few minutes to honor some of our Bible class coordinators/teachers who have truly put in a lot of years at Florissant. They represent about 80 years of service in this important ministry that teaches God's message to our children. One of our shepherd's, Barry, and our Children's minister, Donna, did the honors and also introduced the new coordinators. The shepherd's who were present then put their hands on then and offered a prayer of thanks for them all.
It just reminded me again about how important teachers are. We are so use to having them and even being one ourselves, that we forget how huge a teacher's impact is on the lives of those being taught. If we made a list of the people who had the greatest life-changing impact on us, after our parents, we'd all certainly have several teachers on the list. Thank God for the people He placed in your life who made you what you are today. I certainly do.

Monday morning visitors to our pond out back. This is a different doe and fawn then the ones we've seen in the past. I suspect that the harvesting of the corn in the fields behind our house has caused them to move a little more. But - it also reminds me that the Missouri archery season begins in two week. The day we get back from hunting in Colorado. Then IL opens on Oct.1. Oh I love this time of year!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Carter (over my shoulder) said, "Oh, cool! Deers!!" So cute. He just loves Nana and Papa's house.