Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The Game of Church

We finally made it to a Cardinals game in the new stadium. And truthfully, we'd probably miss another year if someone hadn't graciously given us their tickets. Neat stadium - neat game, especially since the Cards won. I was struck again by the ironic unity of tens of thousands of total strangers. The focus was on Cardinal baseball, and no one cared about all the differences there were between the people attending. There's a lesson there somewhere, but I was (again) amazed with the fact that relationships were not expected, desired, or built - in any form - it was all about enjoying the game. Yes, it made me think about church, or at least what our tradition and culture has turned it in to. For many people, assembling with the saints has nothing to do with connecting with family and deepening relationships. They don't expect it, desire it, or make any effort to do it. It's worldly church not Christ's church - despite whatever name may be on the sign out front. Why is it so hard for so many to "get it"? Too many years of disconnected, passive, ritualistic, external church-going, peer-righteousness that makes giving, investing in others, and discovering the love God says can only be discovered by one-"anotherness" - unimportant and non-essential. That's more than unbiblical, it's Satanic - because he knows he wins every time we "go to church" instead of go to give! When getting together is about building up others, encouraging, confessing, thanking, and praying - it's always a home run. That kind of consistency is far more important than being metaphorically consistent! Next time someone complains about meeting with their church family, tell'em to "go to help!" (Say that fast three time.)

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