Monday, August 02, 2010

Family Pictures

During our quick trip to Searcy for the Curtis family reunion, we got to visit with nephew Zach at the house on the lake where he and his wife Cass live. Here, uncle Kevin is giving some of our grand children a ride on the hand car, which is part of the train that circles the lake. Neat place.
That evening just about the whole family came to dinner at Donna's mom's place. It was a little crowded, but we had a great time. Lot's of great food and great fellowship. Afterwords, everyone packed the small living room to do some singing. Since I was unable to contribute, I can truthfully say it was incredible singing.

As you can see, the next generation is coming along just fine. Some of these little ones actually helped with the singing of some of the songs.

We were glad that our "family time" got extended as Deborah and Elizabeth came back to Florissant with us to spend a couple days scrap-booking with their mom. It's been a fun few days, and a huge "at-a-boy" has to go out to my sons-in-law Chad and Pat for being mom & dad for a few days so the girls could have some fun time. I was around to provide security - and the ride to Fritz's, Las Fuentes, etc. etc..


Carol J said...

Thanks for posting these pictures Mike. It was great to get to spend some time together! What a blessing it is to be a part of this family!

Phyllis said...

Oh what fun!!! I got to have girl time with my girls a few weekends ago and treasured every minute of it!!! :)

pblack said...

Hey Mike!!

Great to be able to keep up with you and see pictures of your family. I have really enjoyed your books. Michael and I have both read them. Mosco wrote some books too but they are slightly different from yours. Do you have 2 daughters? Any sons? We have 3 sons, 1 daughter and 8 grandchildren. Take care - glad Donna sent me your blog site!!