Just in case you were wondering what Principle #5 was in my series Living a Life That Counts, I thought I'd give you a brief outline of what I shared last Sunday.
Principle #5 is: A life that counts is being a steward not a stealer. We either take care of things or we use, abuse, ignore, neglect, and destroy them. As children/servants of God, we are called to be stewards or people who have been called to "be a curator, guardian, manager" or basically people who have been "delegated responsibility" by God. Like worship, obedience, faithfulness, and many other godly qualities - being a steward is total! It's who and what we are all the time! 1 Corinthians 4:1-2 tells us we have be "entrusted" and are expected to be "faithful" with everything God has given us. Check also 1 Cor.10:31 (everything must glorify God), Col.3:16 (everything is done in the name of Jesus), and 2 Peter 1:3 (He has given us all things). We are all his and all we have is his! So what is a steward?
1. A steward is loyal! (Luke 19:11-27) Thoughtful, unselfish, & considerate!
2. A steward is responsible! (Luke 12:42-46) Dependable & productive = grow!
3. A steward is trustworthy! (Luke 16:10-12) Integrity! Not just what you are when no one is around, but what you are because you know God is around! Honesty & trust are the foundation of all relationships. Without it, there is no relationship.
4. A steward glorifies his or her Master! It's not about the steward but the boss! 1 Peter 4:8-11 shows us all the parts being connected!
Conclusion: We've talked about Joseph being in God's Waiting Room, waiting to be used by Him. But he was also in God's training room learning that when he become the 2nd most powerful man in all Egypt there was no rank with God! Only being a steward!
"There is no rank in the church, it just smells that way sometimes!" We are stewards of all God gives us. Including this day, this hour, and this opportunity to use it for Him.
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