Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Post Production?

It has been two days since our last performance of Transformers: Saul to Paul, and I haven't allowed myself much time to reflect on the "success" of the play. I really don't need to do much reflecting to make that call. I've never been part of a church-musical-performance that generated as much thinking, soul-searching, and questions for the audience as this one did. The comments from scores of people that I talked to more than convinced me that the message in this play will be effecting lives for a long time to come - and that's true for both audience and performers.
Every person who attended was confronted by the message that Jesus changes people. They heard the Gospel message, they witnessed the change from Saul to Paul, many saw a real New Testament baptism for the first time, and everyone understood that God's love should lead us to love one another and Him. I could focus on the good crowds, about 2000 in total, or the several hundred families that registered to receive a free DVD of the play and thus, give us an opportunity to connect with them one more time, but I know that lives were changed, and that is what it was all about.
We had two young people baptized into Christ Sunday morning. They were brother and sister in a wonderful, dedicated Christian family in this congregation, but when one of them was asked what made them decided to be baptized, they said, "It was the play. It made be realized that I've never been transformed by Jesus." Nuf said!

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