Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hunting Wonders

As mentioned earlier, I don't believe in Murphy's Law. I don't even know if it's spelled with an "f" or a "ph" - and I don't care. It's a negative - pessimistic way to look at life. However, the belief that "what can go wrong will go wrong" is the heart & soul of defensive driving. Never assume the other person is going to do what they are supposed to do. That's why great drivers still have accidents.
That being said, I still can't help but wonder why so many things seem to consistently "go wrong" on a hunting trip. For instance, why did I KNOW that if I bought a "cow elk only" hunting tag, I'd be surrounded by giant bull elks? I wonder...
Here are some additional HUNTING WONDERS: (penned in my journal while in Colorado)
* Why do I glass the same rocks every year? (To the ignorant, mule deer have bright tan tails that show up long before the rest of the deer can be seen.)
* Why is there a bird that makes a call that sounds, especially while your walking, an awful lot like a cow elk mew? (You must stop, listen carefully, w/ heart racing, only to find out...)
* Why do cows (beef type) always see me when I'm totally camouflaged in a blind or stand?
* Why does the pond I'm hunting always seem to be a cow hang out?
* Why can't they make insulated underwear that disappears when you start climbing the first mountain of the morning?
* Why can't the herd of elk you're stalking all face the same direction?
* Why is there no strait trails through sage brush?
* Why does Nature have to call at 7:30 A.M. during an uphill dash to get ahead of some elk?
* Why do barbed wire gates shrink from the time you open them and when you close them?
* Why do I have more T-shirts with Meeker, Colorado on them then I do pictures of arrowed animals?
* Why so many whys?

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