Monday, December 13, 2010

Cool Pics

These pictures were on Danny Younger's Trail Camera which was about two hundred yards down the hill and north of where my stand was when I arrowed this big boy. His camera date was off by a month, so this is really November and just the week before this nice twelve pointer walked in front of my stand. He's really a beauty. If you look really careful, you'll see Danny's ladder stand in the tree just behind the deer. He is actually heading southeast and up the hill toward were my camera is. I'm still wondering why I don't have any pictures of him on my trail camera.
This was the night before the above picture. He is heading down the hill toward the corn fields - or where the does are. This is so cool. I've never had a picture of a deer I've taken while he was still in the wild. I had five nice bucks on my camera before I shot this one, and he wasn't one of the five. I feel the need for additional trail cameras!


Glenave Curtis said...

Beautiful pics Mike.

Greg said...

Very cool pics. Some quality bucks indeed. Good luck.