I have written this blog before, but it's worth saying again - at least to me it is. From September through May, on the first Thursday of each month, I try to attend our area preacher's meeting. Without fail, I always find myself considering not going because I have things to do, a schedule to keep, and a shrinking week in front of me. But I go, usually reminding myself how nice it is to see good friends, share some things, have a good lunch together, and, just maybe, I might be a source of encouragement to just one of my fellow partners in the Gospel.
I don't know why, but there is just something about hearing a bunch of guys, not especially good and certainly with little harmony, sing some praise songs together. It has to be from the heart, because we don't care about sounding pretty. And then to pray together, often after sharing one-on-one, our joys and challenges in ministry and life. Then, we usually spend some time discussing some meaningful topic that each of us would rather be preaching about, but nevertheless - is always helpful.
These are good men, and it's encouraging to be with them and to share our weird world with one another. These brothers walk with God, love their church families, and live to see brothers and sisters grow in Christ. They're not "big names" in the brotherhood, or keynote speakers at University lectureships, and no one is a well know author or in demand as an after dinner speaker, though they are - at times - some of the funniest guys I know. Every time I go to our meetings, I'm just reminded that all over the world, there are thousands of servants of God working with average church families, making a difference, and just glorifying our Father with their passion for His people and His plan.
WAIT A SECOND! You don't suppose that God intended for us to get together so that we could encourage and be encouraged? Sounds like a wild idea to me.
A big thanks to all my preaching Brothers.
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