Sunday, June 22, 2008

Just A Thought

It's late Sunday evening and I'm eating apple pie with ice cream before going to bed. We are leaving early in the morning for our vacation and will be away from home, church, and blogville for about eight days. I may try to do a blog from our cruise ship if I can remember my blog password, but don't hold your breath waiting for it. I'm kind of hoping I wont even think about blogs for a few days. I will, however, be doing a lot of thinking, studying, and writing in my journal, so I should have a few things to share when we get back.
I just want to share a thought that I jotted down in my journal yesterday. It's something I thought about while mowing the yard yesterday. Hope it gives you something to chew on for eight days. I feel certain it will show up in a sermon some time soon.
Thought: How ironic is that we begin to understand what life's priorities need to be about the time we are old enough to start having to pay for all the misplaced priorities of our past?

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