Friday, November 17, 2006

Okay - so it's been a week since my last blog! It's been an unusual week. We made a quick trip to Nashville to be with our WHOLE family for the first time since July of '05. Since Jonathan is in a Broadway show, he just can't leave whenever he wants. He and Holly will be spending another Thanksgiving and Christmas in New York without being able to visit with family for even one day. So, it was absolutely worth the eleven hours of driving time to get to spend a little over twenty-four hours with family (counting sleep time). I can't put into words how blessed I felt to just watch Chad and Elizabeth's house literally churning with family. Holly's parents where able to be with us and we had an absolutely wonderful time. Of course, even with long-lost Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Holly there, the grand-kids where the center of attention. God is so good to allow me to just sit and watch all the playing, laughing, and sharing of three generations at once. To look around the room and see how much God has blessed each person and each family there made Paul's phrase, "Rejoice in the Lord always" an understatement and a commitment that will be there when life's "inevitables" come along. We have so much to be thankful for and so much that bonds us together, but what thrills me the most is knowing that Jesus is Lord of all from the little ones to the oldest and widest. (I wish I could say wisest.) So of all the profound thoughts I could blog about today, the only one that compels me is this: Love your family enough to keep God first in everything you do. You won't be perfect at it, but that's part of of the teaching. Repenting and forgiving is just as important as being kind and considerate to others. Get the awards, the diplomas, and the promotions, but never forget that one day you'll want to sit in the living room and watch your adult children and their godly spouses laugh and play with grand children who pray "Thank you for your Holy Spirit" and who stand on the hearth and sing "Praise Jesus." I don't care what they say on TV - that's real "living large."


Elizabeth said...

Okay, you made me cry. I'm so emotional! I just love being with family. "Praise Jesus!" as Ashlyn would say.

Anonymous said...

Dad, what a beautiful tribute to our time together this week. It was special to all of us in so many ways. Wasn't it neat to see how quickly the kids attached themselves to Jonathan and Holly even after not seeing them for so long? That was one way God showed His goodness this week--one of MANY ways. I'm with Ashlyn (and Liz)--Praise Jesus!!

Anonymous said...

I love what you said and I truly believe it is the secret to a successful AND happy marriage and family, "Love your family enough to keep God first in everything you do."