Friday, November 10, 2006

With all the pictures of my grandkids on my blog, and of course my lovely wife, I decided it was time to post a picture of Jonathan. Actually, I was just thinking about how wonderful it is that, while we are so looking forward to finally seeing JD do the presentation at the Quill Awards, now we are going to get to see him and Holly in Nashville next week. I'm recording the Awards show which is on here at 3:00 AM Monday morning on MSNBC. And while I'm looking forward to seeing it, it's soooo much nicer to see the real people in person. We've only seen them once in the last 13 months and that's tooooo long. I hate that we are so far away from them, but we are so proud of the way they have taken The Big Apple by storm. Who knows - there may be a quick trip to NY in the near future. In the meantime, we will be praying for safe travel for all of us who will be making the whirlwind - 24 hr turn-around trip to Nashville next week. Wow - how long has it been since the whole Root clan was together? Wasn't it July before last? Picture time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's been too long. I am really looking forward to our time together next week. We'll just have to treasure each moment while they're here. See you in a few days!