Friday, January 12, 2007

God told me...

I know it scares people to hear a preacher (esp. in C of C) discuss God talking to them - personally, but we know/believe He answers prayer, so what makes us think He's trying to hide? I believe He talks to us through His Word, His people, and through godly thoughts. I find nothing in the Bible that says He can't or won't or doesn't put thoughts into our head. We have no problem believing Satan can! But I say that to make this point, when things of spiritual significance seem to be repeating themselves to us, could it be that God is trying to tell us something? When we pray and are patient, giving God time to speak to us, we often are surprised to see the same passage of scripture popping up, and others talking about the same topic, and our thoughts starting to clarify and focus on what the answer should be. Could this not be God's guidance? Is this one way He molds our spiritual maturity as He leads us from milk to meat? I think He does it all the time and would do it more if we were more sensitive to His presence and power in our life.

"Honest to God!" It's what some people say to support their veracity. It's probably disrepectful and flippant to say it, because no one knows if we are honest with God except us - and Him of course. I've been focusing a lot lately on talking with God (i.e. "Coffee With God" blog), because I have discovered that it's the ONLY way we truly have a relationship with Him and it's the most important way we increase our faith. It's how we develop a sense of His presence in our life - everywhere - all the time. BUT - it means NOTHING if we are not honest with Him, recognizing that He knows us better than we do, and He wants genuine love, faith, and seeking after Him.

One of the ways these things were brought together for me - by Him, was through the old story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). I see now that the lesson is not so much the story, but why He had to tell it. The guy talking to Jesus was interesting and sadly familiar. He was "an expert in the law" and he wanted to "inherit eternal life." Sounds like preacher or elder material to me! And when Jesus questioned him about what God was really after, HE GOT IT ALL RIGHT! He understood that it's all about loving Him and showing it by loving others! And Jesus told him to do it and live - thinking the conversation was over, but no! He wasn't being honest with Jesus. The Bible says, "But he wanted to justify himself," so he asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?" It wasn't about seeking God! It wasn't about relationship building! It was about self-righteousness! Look at me! Aren't I amazing! Aren't I better than most religious folks?

On the short list of impossible things, we must add; Never play Charades with Jesus or God! If I could sit down and have coffee with God, and ask those most important questions about life and eternity, would I feel the need to "justify" myself. Not if I'm honest with Him. Not if I respect His omniscience and His desire to hold me tightly. To Him, my heart is like my wife's iced tea. He can see right through it. There is nothing to justify and every reason to glorify Him. An open heart and open lines of communication mean an honest relationship with our Father. Have you heard Him lately?

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