Over the last thirty-nine years, when our anniversary has come around, I have written lots of church bulletin articles, and lately, some blogs, about that decision I made way back then to wrangle her into marrying me. I just can't think of a better way to say it than the way I've said it so many times before. That decision to marriage Donna, is far and away the best, the smartest, and the most blessed decision I have made in my entire life, second ONLY to my decision to live for Jesus. If I were putting together a Dictionary, I'd just put her picture under the words wife, friend, mother, grandmother, and Christian. I would also have to put it under cook, teacher, example, and child-friendly. Even more than that, I couldn't find a better definition for kind, thoughtful, caring, unselfish, respectful, encouraging, positive, and sweet. The older I get and the more time God gives us to be together, the more she becomes my biggest hero in life. After thirty-nine years you learn one-another's faults, weakness, and struggles. I don't know anyone, who by their very nature, is more Christ-like than she is. No one is perfect, but her spirit is more consistently like Jesus than anyone I've ever known. She won't like that I've said that, but that is all the more a reason why it's true.
I'm blessed and thankful for every day God has given us to be together. Thirty-nine years is more than I deserve, but I don't hesitate to ask God to let me have a few more.
Awww - you make me cry and blush. I certainly don't deserve all those accolades, but I surely am glad you think of me in those terms. You're my hero too!
Love you both!!! Thanks for your example!
Weeeeeeeeeelllllllllll (spoken like Papaw), ya done good! Here's what I think, you bring out the best in each other. I am grateful for you both.
Happy Anniversary.....Let's see that is the Anniversary of our meeting you on your 25th Anniversary. And lets add modest to the list...you do deserve it Donna. I will be forever thankful you have been in my life and the were there for my children. We love you..the Haught's.
Hey! That's my kitchen! Congratulations on 39 nine years. (And they said it wouldn't last.) ;)
Actually, "39 nine years" would be 351 years. Whew! That really IS something.
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