Saturday, June 06, 2009

After Two Nights...

This is the opening song from Friday night's performance. We begin with "Glorious Impossible".
This is the action prior to the stoning of Stephen. They're singing "We will rock you!"

The Pharisees have some great songs in scene two. This is "Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better".

This is the "horn duet" in "Old Time Hebrew Scroll".

This is the singing of "He Is Jehovah" in scene two. It helps display Hebrew pride!

The ladies sang a medley of songs from the Martins that we call "The River Medley".

This is the church in Damascus sharing communion using the song "The Bread Has Been Broken".

In the final scene, we use "cardboard confessions" to enhance "Your Grace Still Amazes Me". It's a powerful song and the personalized transformations from sinners to saved saints is very touching.
Tonight we have our third show. So far both shows have been great with about a thousand visitors between the two nights. Tonight and Sunday night should be our biggest audiences. It's truly neat to hear people talking about how moved they were by the play. There is no doubt about what the point it, and everyone seems to get it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow what a powerful musical that was and I so thrilled I got to see it. Thank you for a wonderful and moving expereince.
