Friday, April 11, 2008

Deeper Roots

Okay, there are clearly more important things going on in our life than the construction of our basement. Still, as I put our next vacation on a credit card and then looked at what the basement has done to our Lowe's card, which is paid off each month, I found myself thinking, "Maybe this basement thing could wait a while longer." Na! It kills me to have a partially finished basement and I'm so thankful for the help I've been getting from Ken Teson, Bill Lee, Ron Ebker, Paul Parrett, and Cary Paul that I don't dare slack off now. Besides, as you can see in these pics, we will be painting the walls next week. The two iron pillars will be boxed, dry walled, and mudded today, then we'll paint, and somewhere along the way we'll put doors in and bring the stairs up to code. Speaking of "code" - it was so nice to have the inspector come in on Monday and simply look around and say, "You're good to go. Call me when you're finished for the final inspection." Now it's all up to us. The goal is having it totally finished (with the exception of maybe carpet $$$$$) before the week of the musical, June 5-8. So if you want to come to the play and stay with us you can. The bedrooms are spoken for, but there will be plenty of space in the NEW BASEMENT!

The only visible window in the new basement. Unfortunately the other four are in the storeroom part behind the left wall. Hey, what's wrong with a well lit storeroom?
Can you believe that we are using Liquid Nails to attach these boards to the steel beams? Amazing stuff.

Picture the stairs with railing and slats or spindles of some kind. It will be safe - as long as you don't try to come down head first.


Rollerpimp said...

Hey Mike this has nothing to do with your basement but it does look like it will be nice. I just finished using Life's Cobwebs in a Bible study I do with College students. You got anything new coming down the pipe?

Thanks for a book that inspired lots of thought and even more discussion.

Tim Cox

Anonymous said...

The basement looks great! I think I saw a "sister-in-law" room in the pictures! :)

Anonymous said...

The basement looks great. Are you and "your crew" hiring out to do a kitchen renovation............we need one badly.
We are really impressed.

Maybe you should skip the vacation and wait till next year????? Just kidding....we will miss being with you and Donna.