Friday, February 02, 2007

"Lost In Thought"

Have you ever contemplated the phrase "lost in thought"? How many times have I used that to explain to someone why I didn't hear what they said to me? How many times did that describe why I didn't get things done? How many times has that been the definition of my day? I think it's good to think. I think I've always thought that thinking was the thing that made thinkers of us all. Dah! I've been lost in thought in nearly ever class I ever sat through. I've been lost in thought watching TV - especially the famous History Channel, as it caused me to think - which is also why I like the CSI stuff. I've been lost in thought during sermons!! Yes! Not mine, of course, but others who were boring and unchallenging, and some who caused the thinking with their insights and relevance. I've been lost in thought while sitting in a tree stand waiting for the "monster" to walk by, and I've had many a deer under my stand before I found my thoughts.

Some times the "lost in thought" was worry and anxiety, and other times it was pure dreaming and fantasizing. "What would I do if Publisher's Clearing House knocked on my door with a ten million dollar check?" While that made me think of new houses, ATV's, and vacations on beaches, the most fun was dreaming about giving it away and helping others. Some times I worked through problems while lost in thought. There have been many theological changes that took place because of being lost in thought. The best "lost in thought" moments have been spent with God. Inviting Him in on the discussion, asking Him questions, and just knowing He was there. I wish I'd remembered to include Him more often. I guess you'd have to say that if He is part of it, it's never "lost" in thought, but always "found" in thought. Quiet time without God is just less noise, but quiet time with Him is a symphony of love.


Deborah said...

Beautifully said. Thank you for making me "think".

Anonymous said...

I was just thinkin'...

Anonymous said...

OH, I loved this.........may we all be "found" in Him today! Thank you!