Friday, September 22, 2006

Living Proof

OKAY - so I'm living proof that someone with horrible spelling can still get published! I've written six books that are published and two others that should be and I'm in the middle of a new one now. Since I can't figure out how to make the spell check work on this blog stuff, everyone who logs on will discover that spelling is not one of my strong talents. I spell phonetically (is that right?) and so most of my ongoing mistakes are usually things like when to use double consonants and "ence" endings vs. "ance" ending and such - and a few hundred others... So, until my daughter or some other techno-helper can tell me why when I click the cute little icon that says "Spell Check" does nothing to help me, you'll have to read the "spirit" of my blog and not the "letter". How's that for a theological escape-clause?

So for now, please settle for this picture of a Colorado mulie (brother to the one whose antlers I am holding below) that really turned out beautiful. In fact, it's my new screen saver in place of the year and a half old family picture that was there. Sorry family - we're overdue a new one anyway.


Elizabeth said...

"Mommy, I want to be Robinhood with a bow and arrow like Papa has a bow and arrow. Can I touch Papa's deer like he is?"
I was thinking so selfishly about how much your blog would mean to me...little did I know, my son would get to spend more time with his Papa this way.
I love that picture, Dad!

Anonymous said...

Man--we got replaced with a mule-deer?!